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Patient News: We will be upgrading our clinical system in March 2025. Read important updates here.
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April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Bowel cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK, with nearly 42,000 diagnoses every year. It leads to over 16,500 deaths annually, making bowel cancer the second deadliest cancer. But, when detected in its earliest stages, nearly everyone survives the disease. Plus, more than half … Continued

Movember: Stopping Men from dying early

Movember: Stopping Men from dying early On average, men die four and a half years earlier than women. Life expectancy in the UK is around 79 for men and over 83 for women. One in 5 men die before the age of 65. The reasons men die younger are often preventable. Every year, Movember challenges … Continued

NHS Screening: Missing invitations or missed appointments

NHS Screening: Missing invitations or missed appointments In our first two updates about screening, we’ve covered how the programmes work and how effective they are. With this final part, we will focus on what to do if you’ve missed an appointment or how to get back into the programmes if you haven’t been invited to … Continued

NHS Screening: How much does it help?

NHS Screening: How much does it help? Last week we shared a news story on our website about how the NHS screening programme works. It talked through the different things the NHS will screen for, when you might be invited and how the screening for each condition works. You can read that story on our … Continued