Andrea Mullen
My name is Andrea, and I’m a Learning Disability Social Prescribing Link Worker. I work with people with learning disabilities at all GP practices in Gosforth and Jesmond.
My name is Andrea, and I’m a Learning Disability Social Prescribing Link Worker. I work with people with learning disabilities at all GP practices in Gosforth and Jesmond.
Profile coming soon
I’m Alison, I joined the North Gosforth Team as a Health and Wellbeing coach in November 2023.
I’m James, the Social Prescribing Team Lead for North Gosforth and Jesmond Lower Gosforth Primary Care Networks.
Profile coming soon
I joined Jesmond Lower Gosforth PCN in September 2023 as a Nurse Associate.
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Hi, I’m James and I work as a Health & Wellbeing Coach in Gosforth and Jesmond.
I’ve been the Operations Manager for Gosforth and Jesmond Health since 2021.
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