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Share your views on Cervical Screening

Share your views on Cervical Screening North Gosforth and Jesmond Lower Gosforth PCNs are working together to address health inequalities in our area. One focus is on cervical screening, where uptake of appointments has declined in recent years. We want to understand why this is and see what we can do to encourage more people … Continued

Check your risk of Prostate Cancer

Check your risk of Prostate Cancer In partnership with NHS England, the charity Prostate Cancer UK has launched a new campaign encouraging people to check their risk of getting prostate cancer.  The online 30-second checker asks some simple questions about age, ethnicity, and family history, offering helpful information and next steps if you might be … Continued

Hay fever: How to ease your symptoms or get help

Hay fever: How to ease your symptoms or get help For most of us, the longer, lighter evenings and warmer weather usually are welcome changes as Spring turns into Summer. But for up to 1 in 4 of us, it brings the added complication of dealing with hay fever. While there is no cure for … Continued